Frequently Asked Questions

About DSF

Where does the name Digital Skills Foundation come from?

Digital Skills Foundation refers to the foundational digital skills required to succeed as a student, teacher and working citizen in the 21st Century.

What does "DSF" Mean?

“DSF” is the abbreviation of Digital Skills Foundation.

Where is DSF based?

DSF is a french company based in the Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes region of France.

What is the main mission of DSF?

DSF’s primary mission is to bring essential digital literacy and 21st-century skills to people of all ages worldwide.

Are you a non-profit organisation?

No. DSF is a social enterprise; blending our mission-driven focus with sustainable business practices.

Where does DSF currently have projects?

We have projects all over the world. For a closer look at where we’ve travelled, click here to see our About page!

What makes DSF unique?/ What makes digital skills foundation unique among other organizations ?

DSF operates on a large scale, providing courses through contracts with governments, corporations, and non-profits, rather than individual sign-ups. Designed to meet the individual needs of our clients, our courses are structured to increase productivity, improve skill viability, and equip individuals with the tools needed for technological integration. We provide our partners with the data they need for knowledge-based decision-making and the evaluation of their projects.

What projects has DSF been involved in?

DSF has been involved in a multitude of projects all over the world and continues to grow. If you are curious about where we have been active, we invite you to consult our “About” page here on the site.

Does DSF provide funding for programs?

No, we do not. For information regarding funding, we invite you to reach out to the relevent authorities in your home country, or country of residence.

Does DSF provide scholarships for individuals?

No, we do not. For information regarding scolarships we invite you to reach out to the relevent authorities in your home counrty or country or residence.

What is the future of DSF?

DSF is constantly expanding our training bases. We are active on the African continent on the larger scale projects, however, we are expaning into the Middle East and Asia. For more information on where we have been active, we invite you to consult our “About” page.

What is DSF's impact on social development?

Digital Skills Foundation is pivotal in advancing social development by equipping individuals with essential digital skills. DSF empowers people to navigate the digital landscape through tailored internationally accredited programs, fostering inclusion and bridging the digital divide. By enhancing digital literacy, DSF contributes to increased employability, educational opportunities, and civic engagement. This transformative impact elevates individuals and strengthens communities, promoting a more connected and equitable society that thrives in the digital era.

What is DSF's impact on economic development?

Our impact on economic development is through employability. DSF’s programs are tailored to enhance employability by empowering participants to learn new skills or improve existing ones. By bridging the knowledge gap and boosting productivity, we equip individuals to compete effectively in the job market. This contributes to a skilled workforce ready to meet the demands of today’s economy, fostering economic growth and development.

How many people work at DSF?

We are a constantly growing group. For a closer look at our “Dream Team”, we invite you to go to our “About” page.


Are digital skills useful for everyone?

Yes! We offer a wide range of courses that can benefit individuals of any age, gender or academic background. 

Is the qualification valid in my country?

Our certificates are iternationaly accredited meaning that our courses are only globally useful but also globally recognised.

How often do I need to refresh my training? How long is my certificate valid?

All our courses are updated regularly to make sure that content is current and relevant in the time-space you are working in. The certification is valid indefinitely, however, it is your responsibility to remain relevant. We are always happy to see you back.

What are CPD points and how many CPD points are your courses worth?

The CPD points depend on the course you are doing. These are noted on your certificate when you complete the course successfully. In general there is a link to the indicated amount of hours of the courses and the number of CPD points.
For more information on what CPD points are, click here.

How many modules are there?

We currently offer 9 different certifications. Each certificate has a varying amount of modules. If you would like more information about a specific course please refer to the “Programs” section of our website. Otherwise, you are invited to ask our chatbot for more information!

How long will it take me to complete the course?

It depends on the course that you follow. We have estimated the number of hours that each certificate will take. If you are curious about this, we would like to invite you to browse our “Programs” page for more information. Please keep in mind that each certificate time indicated is an estimate. Depending on your personal knowledge base before starting the course, completing the modules may take more or less time.

How old do I need to be to follow a course?

We do not have any age requirements for the courses. Although the courses are more geared towards people above the age of 13.

How much does the certificate cost?

The cost of a certificate depends on the size of the group being trained (i.e. the number of licenses necessary). For more information on pricing and cohort sizes, please reach out to our team by either using the chatbot available on this web page, or contacting our team.

How do I sign up for a course?

Signing up for a course on an individual basis is not yet available. However, this will soon change as we are expanding in to the private market. If you would like to receive news of when we are going to come out up with courses available for individuals, please sign up for our newsletter!

Do you offer free courses?

We do not offer any free courses. For information on our fees, we invite you to contact our team for more information.

I need help for a course that I am currently taking. How can I reach support?

 If you are looking for technical support for a course that you are currently following, we would like to invite you to contact our support team directly. You can do this in two ways: through the chatbot on the training platform or by filling out this form.

 There is also an FAQ page on the training platform. If you have a specific question, you may find your answer there.

What happens once I receive my certificate?

Once you’ve earned your certificate, it’s a testament to your dedication and newly acquired skills. We encourage you to showcase it on professional networks and in your resume. Additionally, by linking up with us on our social media platforms, you can stay connected with a community of like-minded learners and industry experts. Don’t forget to sign up for our newsletter as well! It’ll keep you updated on advanced courses, industry trends, and opportunities to further leverage your certification.
If you so choose, you can also give us feedback on our courses and/or write a testimonial by filling in this form.

How long do I have to complete my course?

You generally have access to the course platform for a calendar year.  We encourage you to be timely and more importantly to work on the courses on a regular bases. This will bring you the most success. If you would like information on how much time you have left to complete a course, we would ask that you reach out to your program director to better understand the timeline restrictions of your cohort.

How do I access the training program?

You can access the training platform in two ways. The first by clicking on the link at the top of any page on our website where you see “Access to the Learning Center”. The second is by using the link/URL that you were given at the beginning of your program. If you require more information, please reach out to our support team by either using the chatbot available to you on this site, or by contacting support through this form.

Do you offer online courses?

Yes, we do. Our courses are primarily online and are available via our virtual learning center. For more information on the courses that we offer, we would like to invite you to consult our “programs” page. If you have any additional questions, please reach out to our team via the chatbot provided on our website.

Do you offer in-person training?

Sometimes, yes. Although we are primarily a web-based training platform, we occasionally perform in-person trainings. If you would like to request more information about in-person trainings, please contact our team.

How will I receive my certificate?

Once you have completed all of the required modules, you will receive you certificate by email. The email will be sent to whichever address you use as your username on the training platform. For more information, we invite you to contact our team by using the chatbot on the training platform or by filling in this form.

What languages are your courses in?

For the moment we offer all of our courses in English. The DCP (Digital Competency Passport) may also be offered in French upon request.

To stay up to date on our language offerings, we would like to invite you to sign up for our newsletter.

How does DSF ensure the quality of its courses?

Our courses are crafted in line with international standards, overseen by educational experts, and undergo regular reviews to ensure they remain relevant and effective.

How can I access additional resources to support my learning through DSF courses in France?

At DSF, we’re dedicated to providing comprehensive support. If you require additional resources related to our courses in France, feel free to reach out to our team at We’re here to assist you in obtaining the information you need to enhance your learning journey.


I want to work at DSF! Can I apply for a position?

 DSF continually seeks passionate individuals. Prospective applicants can send their CV and motivation letter through this contact form. Available positions are also listed on our website on our “Careers” page.

Does DSF have any internship opportunities?

For information regarding internship opportunities, we invite you to look at the “Careers” page on this website or to contact our recruitment team directly by filling in this form and attaching your CV and a letter of motivation.

What is a Social Enterprise?

For more information about what it means to be a “Social enterprise”, we invite you to go to:

What kind of courses do you offer?

We provide certified training courses tailored to educators, government workers, students, young people and professionals to enhance digital literacy, financial competency, modern teaching methodologies, and more.

I'm interested in partnering or reselling. How do I get started?

If you’ would like to partner with us or become a DSF reseller, kindly send your proposal or inquiry to our business development team by filling out this contact form, and our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

I'm a member of the press. How can I get in touch for an interview or more information?

Members of the press can reach out to our communications team directly for any media-related inquiries.

How many people have been certified?

Over 100,00 people (as of December 2023) are in training and obtaining their certification through Digital Skills Foundation!

Why is digital literacy important?

Digital literacy is no longer a luxury; it’s a necessity. In an era where information, communication, and opportunities predominantly flow through digital channels, being digitally literate means being part of the global conversation. It equips individuals with the skills to access, analyze, and utilize online resources effectively. Beyond mere tech-savviness, digital literacy enhances critical thinking, promotes informed decision-making, and bridges the divide between the physical and digital worlds. As the digital landscape evolves, so must our ability to navigate it. Simply put, digital literacy is the passport to the future.

Why do I need financial literacy skills?

Financial literacy skills empower you to understand and manage your finances effectively, ensuring long-term stability and security. These skills enable you to make informed decisions about savings, investments, and budgeting, helping you navigate complex financial landscapes. With a strong foundation in financial literacy, you become better equipped to set financial goals, avoid debt traps, and understand the nuances of financial products and services, leading to greater financial independence and well-being.

What are employability skills?

Employability skills, often termed as “soft skills,” are a set of attributes, competencies, and personal traits that enhance your potential to secure and retain a job. While people call them soft-skills these are actually skills you need to function in the workplace. They complement technical or “hard” skills and include abilities such as communication, problem-solving, teamwork, adaptability, and critical thinking. Employability skills are valued across industries as they play a crucial role in fostering positive workplace relationships, driving productivity, and adapting to rapidly changing work environments. In essence, they bridge the gap between your academic qualifications and the demands of the job market, making you a more attractive candidate to potential employers.

Is the certification globally recognised?

Yes. We provide our learners with certificates that are recognized around the world.

How often does DSF release newsletters or updates?

We release newsletters periodically to keep our community informed about our latest projects, success stories, and updates. Signing up on our website ensures you won’t miss out!

Do you give out computers with the training program?

No, we do not. For information regarding equipment, we invite you to reach out to the relevant authorities in your home country or country of residence.