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Digital Skills Foundation is a social enterprise with the mission to foster an equitable and inclusive future through digital literacy and innovative skills development.

We equip people with the knowledge and tools that will allow them to fully take advantage of the opportunities available to them. We put social progress into action and place social impact and sustainability at the core of our business.


We are a company that provides online training materials to a variety of audiences. We offer a number of different certificates that are useful for a great number of different needs. Our courses focus on 21st century teaching methodologies, foundational digital literacy, financial literacy, and employability skills.

Our commitment extends beyond merely opening doors to the digital world. We advocate for your empowerment by imparting the skills necessary to navigate the complexities of the modern era. Whether you’re refining your digital proficiency, enhancing your employability, or gaining financial acumen, DSF is your partner on the journey toward a well-rounded and successful future.

Discover the richness of our course offerings at DSF, extending far beyond digital literacy. We provide a comprehensive suite of courses that not only foster digital literacy but also delve into the realms of employability skills and financial literacy. These holistic skills are imperative for individuals to function and thrive in the multifaceted landscape of today’s world, both on a personal and professional level.

Digital literacy and 21st century upskilling courses tailored for…



Courses designed for everyone, provide the building blocks of digital literacy. Whether you’re just starting or looking to enhance your digital prowess, find the perfect course here.

Digital literacy courses and 21st century teaching techniques for…



Empower the next generation. These courses are tailored to educators, ensuring they are equipped with modern teaching approaches and the latest in digital tools.


At Digital Skills Foundation, we’re bridging the digital divide on a global scale. Founded in France, we’ve made it our mission to bring digital literacy and 21st-century skills to the forefront, ensuring no one is left behind in this digital age. We’re not just another training organization; we’re a movement, partnering with governments, corporations, and non-profits to roll out our programs on a massive scale.

A Message from our CEO

Digital Skills Foundation’s mission is to inspire, empower, and enable you to reach your potential. This is the beginning of a lifelong learning journey whereby DSF, as well as many others, will work with you as an individual or organisation to reach that goal. At DSF we shoot for the moon, and we believe that nothing is impossible.

We work with everyone ensuring that no one is left behind. This means that we can work with you as a government, an entrepreneur, a teacher, an individual, or somebody that is at the start of life’s adventure, everyone is welcome.

We believe that everyone is able to thrive in a global digital economy. We provide scalable, cost-effective, qualitative, and proven programs that assist in building a better future for us all. I leave you to discover the rest of the DSF Dream team, and feel free to contact us as we are always happy to find solutions together. Our approach is unique to each project.

Warm regards,

Annemijn Perrin

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Navigating the Digital Era: The Convergence of Digital Literacy and Ethical Conscience

Navigating the Digital Era: The Convergence of Digital Literacy and Ethical Conscience

In an era where technology permeates every aspect of our lives, the intersection of digital literacy and ethical conscience is more crucial than ever. On the International Day of Conscience, we explore this vital junction. This article highlights the necessity of not only mastering digital tools but also applying them with integrity and responsibility. Through a lens of ethical awareness, we examine how to cultivate a digitally literate society that upholds values of inclusivity, justice, and empathy. Join us in shaping a future where our digital endeavors reflect our collective commitment to making a positive impact on the world.

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Messages from our Partners

The Digital Competency Passport as well as the Teachers Getting Started courses have become part of our trainers’ certification allowing for sustainability in the program. The program was successful and is now looking at a larger-scale rollout in general education as well as TVET. The change in didactical approach as well as digital literacy will help our TVET trainers as well as the students for better employment chances.

Paul Umukunzi

Director General, Rwanda's Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) Board

Since implementing digital literacy courses, our school has transformed significantly. The primary goal was to go digital, resulting in content migration to our learning management system. Teachers now prioritize digitizing their curriculum, sending quizzes and assignments through our digital platform. This has made classroom planning more efficient, enabling interactive lessons. Teachers spend less time on the board and more on engaging activities with new digital tools. Students enthusiastically embrace these tools, making classes lively. The integration of digital skills has not only enhanced interactivity but also positively shifted our teaching approach and overall classroom dynamics.

Stella Wayianzuvuko

Headmaster of the Liquidnet Family High School, Agahozo Shalom Village

I see this partnership with DSF as constructive, rewarding and very promising. From the beginning, when we first met in 2020 at the ITU Headquarters in Geneva at the occasion of our first meeting of the Digital Transformation Centres, both sides had a serious interest in working together and leveraging our respective areas of competence and reach in the developing world. Since then, we have deepened the collaboration and are now offering DSF courses to the ITU DTCs across the world, and eventually to the beneficiaries in their countries.

Dr. Susan Teltscher

Head of Capacity & Digital Skills Development Division, ITU

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